the synth were WAY to loud drowned out all the percussion in the track man i mean even with the bass boost on the kick i could hardly here it.
The melody didnt sound bad at all its just synth=to loud.
the synth were WAY to loud drowned out all the percussion in the track man i mean even with the bass boost on the kick i could hardly here it.
The melody didnt sound bad at all its just synth=to loud.
I was going for more of a melo track with this...
most of my music has quite alot of bass...
I aimed for more of a calming windy flute style..
I thought I got what I wanted with this
but thanks for the review man.. appreciate it :D
Wasnt to bad.
I liked the melody alot and the synths you used with it went real well together.
The intro was nice to but just a tad to long.
The kick seemed abit weak aswell maybe if you turned the pitch up on it would sound better and just some more persscusion and it would be a pretty perfect track
Check out my music some time
fair enough
Its cool
Sounds real nice and kinda different from what i use to hearing from you.
Would of been nice if we got a little preview of what the main melody was gonna sounds like but ohwell i reckon you should finsh this off its sounds good.
Well man.
This is truely an grea track in my eyes.
There only a few things that i didnt like about it and thats that i didnt like how long the delays went for one some of you crashs i think they would of been better off at anything lower than a 6-step,The vocals could of been luder cause i couldnt really hear what they were saying and if they were i think it would add alot more feel to the track and when you brought the main melody in for the first time i reckon you kept it going for to long once you brought in the kick lead up,
But everything else was once again amazing,Loved the synths you allways get the right once to give it that great trance feel,The bass was nice and stands out well and allways a great beat.
5 and a 10 from me so you cant complain about what i said anyways cause you got the ighest score but yeah another amzing track from you again and cant wait to here more.
Hmmm Interesting.
I dont know about this track.
You have great talent making the bass,beat synth and string.
But its just the vocals the seem off at some times and then in times at other times and it kinda ruins the great mixing you did with everything else you know.It kinda makes me hate the track but love it.So yeah dont get me wrong you have alot of good talent its just i know for me it would be hard to mix a dnb version of this track.
So you got a 7 on the review cause of the vocals but i gave you a 5 for such a great instrumental track and i think its the the 5 that really counts.
Check out my stuff sometime.
Kepp up the good work.
Fucking awesome man i can never get enough of hard trance and quake 3.But put together well thats just very nice.
I like everytrhing on the track the bass was hard a the melody was exstream.
But i reckon all it could of used to really top it off was some mean pads man then it would be truly epic.
Keep up the work man.
I think you used pretty make the same notes as my one of my tracks.
This tracks alright there just a few things wrong with it.
It seemed abit repedative just the same thing over and over again.
The gated synth nice was nice but i find really only good for a background synth not a main synth.
The bass was way to low and it kinda ruined the song for me too.
You had an alright beat to and u used some nice filtering on it and the synths throughtout the song.
I just thing this track could of use alot more in like a main synth with a melody and abit more perrcussion
Oh and btw if you want to check out the song of mine which i reckon are the exact same notes as to this one its called : Tears Drop [2008 Remake]
Pretty well done.
You made everything go well in this song.
I didnt really like the gated pad at the start tho,
It just seemed abit fuzzy and to over poweriong but it sounds like you put alot of work to it and if it was my track i wouldnt know what to replace it with any way.
My fave bits would have to be 2:18 when everything starts to come ion and put you in the trance state then all of a sudden get brought backat 2:57 when you drop everything and put the kick and synth in there which was unexpected and had a really nive effect to.
I didnt get the title tile the end when you had that nice whale sounds in there i really liked that to.
And you beat was well made to.
Well anyways great work man and congrats on number two if allways been trying hard to get in the top 5.
Be awesome for you to check out my stuff man and get a review,after this track im gna keep an eye on you man so keep it up.
Thank you for the great review. I'll give your stuff a listen.
Far out man
This is a pretty amzing track you worked up here.
Ever things so prefect in it from the strings to the gated lead and the beautyful piano to what i could only think was a high picth elecetric guitar synth?
Well its all so nice and relaxing and has so much emotion and really does have a summer feel to it.
To bad where i live its just turing into winter and were one of the closest countrys to antartica lol its gets cold.
Theres only really one thing that kinda let me down on this track and that is that it didnt really have a nice stronge main melody to it if you knw what i mean.
But all in all one of the best tracks ive heard in awhile man good fucking work man.
Check out some of my stuff one time im not to bad i reckon you will find something youll enjoy on my list.
Cheers for the great song
And I know about the melody, although it returns a few times throughout the songs I really wanted this one to be a little diverse. I suppose that's not everyone's favorite thing, but new things must be done at one point or another. :D
I'm glad to to hear you liked it man, and I definitely will check some of your stuff out soon. :)
Nice sounding stuff
One question tho..Ever listened to Black Sun Empire-Arrkis,Cause im getting a feeling that that where you kinda got the idea for the bongo's at the start cause it sounds the same kinda.
If you did dont owrry im not calling you a rip off or an immatater or anything like that.
To be honest i reckon you eat ParagonX9 for breakfast man.
Good fucking work.
Keep it up.
Would be sweet if you could check some my shit out and leave a review if your into trance.
Yes, i do like BSE! But this definately was not taken from that tune...Thanks for the review and I will take a listen to your stuff! Thanks again mate!
Innovate dont Imitate:Dont copy other peoples work just because you think it sounds good,Allways try make what you think sounds good to you.
Age 34, Male
New Zealand,Christchu rch
Joined on 2/14/08